Log message #4165374

# At Username Text
# Sep 27th 2018, 21:35 mr_flea13 Let me know if that makes any difference.
# Sep 27th 2018, 21:31 savant @neothermic if the version is still supported, yes
# Sep 27th 2018, 21:31 savant okay we can chat without requiring registration
# Sep 27th 2018, 21:30 savant hurray
# Aug 9th 2018, 21:54 styks1987 Instead of specifying on the entity?
# Aug 9th 2018, 21:54 styks1987 Can you set which fields are virtual when building a query?
# Aug 9th 2018, 18:47 inoas but I see exception messages, log files/prints twice
# Aug 9th 2018, 18:47 inoas When I execute shell scripts the write to log files and to stdout/stderr
# Aug 9th 2018, 17:09 kitcat711 Hello, I was using chrisshick/cakephp3-html-purifier plugin, but it seems that is is not going to be updated to be compliant with 3.6. Which hmtlpurifier plugin would you recommand?
# Aug 7th 2018, 12:38 nisseni I'm getting this error: default cache was unable to write '77cdf40047b7b8e666cec24ecbfdb1d9' to Memcached cache - can't find anything on google. I've tried File cache with the same result.
# Aug 7th 2018, 12:19 spriz at least not the magic of writing the patterns
# Aug 7th 2018, 12:18 spriz okay, then I’ll look into it in the weekend if I get around it - I havn’t really learned regex yet
# Aug 7th 2018, 12:18 admad using regex is fine
# Aug 7th 2018, 12:17 spriz I couldn’t figure any other way than using regex, and I’ll have to spend my weekend on that, in case that’s the right way to do it
# Aug 7th 2018, 12:17 spriz >“I don’t see a lot of tests covering the comments in the file, and my regex is not strong - so maybe someone would like to help a bit? :+1:“ ;P
# Aug 7th 2018, 12:16 admad @spriz where are the tests? :slightly_smiling_face:
# Aug 7th 2018, 12:04 dereuromark That is all on you
# Aug 7th 2018, 12:04 dereuromark And it is a good idea :slightly_smiling_face:
# Aug 7th 2018, 12:03 spriz your :+1: was guidance enough :,)
# Aug 7th 2018, 12:03 admad welcome, but i gave no guidance in this case :slightly_smiling_face:
# Aug 7th 2018, 12:02 spriz Done https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/pull/12438 :slightly_smiling_face: Thanks a lot for the guidance
# Aug 7th 2018, 11:43 spriz roger
# Aug 7th 2018, 11:42 admad sounds good to me. you can target `3.next`
# Aug 7th 2018, 11:42 spriz roger - if you don’t see any big downsides of it, I’ll fire it into a PR :slightly_smiling_face: just didn’t want to waste time if I just overlooked something crayz
# Aug 7th 2018, 11:41 admad makes sense
# Aug 7th 2018, 11:41 spriz so if any dev would update it outside the CI server it generates a shit ton of diffs ,:(
# Aug 7th 2018, 11:40 spriz we create this files on our CI server - so it’s /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/{job-name}/{workspace-n}/project
# Aug 7th 2018, 11:40 admad well then :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:
# Aug 7th 2018, 11:40 spriz yurp
# Aug 7th 2018, 11:40 admad ah you want relative paths in the comments?
# Aug 7th 2018, 11:39 spriz to me it just doesn’t makse sense with full paths in the `*.pot` files
# Aug 7th 2018, 11:39 spriz Okay, so that’s a bad idea I guess?
# Aug 7th 2018, 11:38 admad @spriz i stopped reading further once i encountered "Use relative paths..."
# Aug 7th 2018, 11:36 spriz Any Cake core guy could say either :+1: or :-1: for this change/addition to the `bin/cake i18n extract` command: https://www.diffchecker.com/AHg3f8NY ?
# Aug 7th 2018, 11:30 slackebot https://github.com/CakeDC/auth/blob/master/tests/TestCase/Auth/ApiKeyAuthenticateTest.php 5. this feature will be replaced by https://github.com/cakephp/authentication/blob/master/src/Authenticator/TokenAuthenticator.php in a near-future version of the plugin
# Aug 7th 2018, 11:30 steinkel hi @vinicius.big not exactly an example, but here's what you can do to make it work: 1. ensure you have a working user (you can login via login form) 2. add some value to the api_token in the database, for example "12345" 3. check you can access your application now using the authorize object, passing the API token as a get param "?api_key=12345" 4. you can also check the unit tests for examples on how to use it or configure it
# Aug 7th 2018, 11:22 vinicius.big Hello guys! Does anyone has an example on how to work with `CakeDC/User` API Token? Whats is the flow to connect, for example, an app using token? How can I authenticate an user to consume data from my controllers?
# Aug 7th 2018, 11:08 steinkel add your Authorization object to the Auth configuration and you'll be OK
# Aug 7th 2018, 10:59 itmpls would i have to disable any cakedc setting?
# Aug 7th 2018, 10:59 itmpls ah, so the order might be off. thanks
# Aug 7th 2018, 10:54 steinkel keep in mind you'll need to be authenticated for this to work properly