Log message #4153449

# At Username Text
# Jun 22nd 2018, 18:13 lorenzo Classes are need only when you want to customize stuff
# Jun 22nd 2018, 18:13 lorenzo It will use the base table class by default
# Jun 22nd 2018, 18:09 elovin another question though, as it seems I do not need any table classes to access existing Tables with the TableLocator ?
# Jun 22nd 2018, 18:08 elovin okay mybad, missed a simple error in my cache config
# Jun 22nd 2018, 18:00 elovin I tried that, same result, connection is refused, might be an error in my docker-compose
# Jun 22nd 2018, 17:57 lorenzo What if you use the same port in cake as you did directly in pdo?
# Jun 22nd 2018, 17:46 elovin any ideas ?
# Jun 22nd 2018, 17:45 elovin well yes, but I have a different problem right now, I get SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused when using the stand alone app but the regular cakePHP app works just fine with the same database config, also using PDO directly strangely only works with 8889 but im on linux + docker ..
# Jun 22nd 2018, 17:30 lorenzo elovin still need help with that?
# Jun 22nd 2018, 16:26 elovin can I just copy the database model folder from my other cakePHP project to the stand alone project where I use the cakePHP orm ? If so, where should I place it ?
# Jun 22nd 2018, 16:25 elovin Im trying to use only the ORM from CakePHP, I have set the database Configuration and meta data cache, but now I'm wondering where to place the table and entity classes ?
# Jun 22nd 2018, 15:22 lorenzo right
# Jun 22nd 2018, 15:19 neon1024 I guess that the `where()` method passes it if the param is a callable?
# Jun 22nd 2018, 15:17 neon1024 I don’t quite follow the execution path though. Where does `$exp` get set in the callback method?
# Jun 22nd 2018, 15:15 lorenzo yes
# Jun 22nd 2018, 15:15 neon1024 Ah, the namespaced functions you mentioned the other day? Perfect example! Thanks @lorenzo
# Jun 22nd 2018, 14:54 lorenzo ```where(gte($field, $val))```
# Jun 22nd 2018, 14:54 lorenzo then you can do
# Jun 22nd 2018, 14:53 lorenzo ```function gte($field, $val) { return function ($exp) use ($field, $val) { return $exp->gte($field, $val); } } ```
# Jun 22nd 2018, 14:52 lorenzo I’m working on a better way, but you could have you own version today
# Jun 22nd 2018, 14:46 neon1024 Ooh, it is a bit long isn’t it
# Jun 22nd 2018, 14:44 neon1024 `where(['Example.field' => $q->func()->gte(10)])`?
# Jun 22nd 2018, 14:43 neon1024 Is there a neater way to build where clauses with greater than etc, putting the `>=` in the field selector looks horrible
# Jun 22nd 2018, 14:14 josbeir pas de probleme
# Jun 22nd 2018, 14:14 itmpls merci
# Jun 22nd 2018, 14:13 josbeir => https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/migrations.html#generating-migrations-from-an-existing-database
# Jun 22nd 2018, 14:13 itmpls cool
# Jun 22nd 2018, 14:13 neon1024 `bin/cake bake migration_snapshot`
# Jun 22nd 2018, 14:13 josbeir idd
# Jun 22nd 2018, 14:13 josbeir yes
# Jun 22nd 2018, 14:13 neon1024 snapshot isn’t it?
# Jun 22nd 2018, 14:13 itmpls create*
# Jun 22nd 2018, 14:12 itmpls can migrations/bake dump a migration from an existing table?
# Jun 22nd 2018, 14:08 josbeir :P
# Jun 22nd 2018, 14:08 josbeir 2-1
# Jun 22nd 2018, 14:08 tim @josbeir What do you think the score'll be? :P
# Jun 22nd 2018, 14:01 LubosR lorenzo, ok thanks ;)
# Jun 22nd 2018, 14:01 lorenzo LubosR, no composer would not allow the same pacakge name with 2 different constraints
# Jun 22nd 2018, 13:59 josbeir idd
# Jun 22nd 2018, 13:58 itmpls last 6 mins was 2 goals
# Jun 22nd 2018, 13:58 josbeir belgium tomorrow ! :flag-be: :flag-be: :flag-be: