Log message #4141692

# At Username Text
# May 17th 2018, 12:50 birdy247 works well
# May 17th 2018, 12:50 birdy247 I have made my own MyAppView which extends AppView
# May 17th 2018, 12:05 lorenzo yes
# May 17th 2018, 11:41 Lopa can we use maria db with cakephp 2.9
# May 17th 2018, 10:32 dereuromark for now you can just use a custom lib class and done. refactoring will be easy.
# May 17th 2018, 10:31 dereuromark I tried the service layer plugin linked from burzum, it works nicely here: https://github.com/burzum/cakephp-service-layer He should tag a 0.1 release IMO
# May 17th 2018, 10:29 turkles thanks @dereuromark - but some of that is a little over my head and it looks like a discussion for future changes? Are there any examples you can think of in plugins I can look at for the service layer you mention?
# May 17th 2018, 10:11 rudy1976s but when I check the query which gives me that error it is an insert query
# May 17th 2018, 10:11 rudy1976s in the Entity I have set ID off the accessible fields
# May 17th 2018, 10:10 rudy1976s good morning: when cake save with hasMany an existing record, the ID of the tables are regenerated or not ? I have some issue with SQL server saving hasMany model with the following error: Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'table_name' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF.
# May 17th 2018, 10:07 joshualuckers https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/orm/query-builder.html
# May 17th 2018, 10:03 nitishkumardiwakar trying from 2 days, still not success
# May 17th 2018, 10:02 nitishkumardiwakar How can I Inner join in cakephp?
# May 17th 2018, 09:56 slackebot secondary database, is it possible?
# May 17th 2018, 09:56 david File uploaded https://cakesf.slack.com/files/UAPU3DV3J/FAQT9C5RP/-.php / https://slack-files.com/T053DPNCM-FAQT9C5RP-75b25fd83e - I have two databases. I am connecting to a different connection manager than the default one. It works OK if I don't use translation behavior, but if I use it, the connection manager tries to select tables in the default connection manager instead of the "singlesignon" connection manager. I need to use i18n in the
# May 17th 2018, 09:51 dereuromark so basically "outside of communication layer" for sure - which means not in controller/component or shell/task
# May 17th 2018, 09:50 dereuromark service layer can help here if you dont want to do "new Xyz()" everywhere :slightly_smiling_face:
# May 17th 2018, 09:50 dereuromark inside business logic/layer, so some library code, see also https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/issues/11260
# May 17th 2018, 09:48 turkles Anyone here can tell me.. I have code I want to run from both a controller and a shell command.. where do I put the code?
# May 17th 2018, 09:25 neon1024 I build it in the controller, because I have access to the request instance, which is generally where the filtering criteria will be
# May 17th 2018, 09:25 unclezoot ok, looks like custom finders is what i need - thanks neon1024
# May 17th 2018, 09:23 unclezoot hi neon1024, where do you build your query object? within the controller or the table?
# May 17th 2018, 09:21 neon1024 You could always wrap your filtering parts of the query into custom finders in the table class if you wanted to
# May 17th 2018, 09:21 neon1024 unclezoot, I tend to build a query object conditionally, based on the filtering, and then just pass that to the Paginator.
# May 17th 2018, 09:16 unclezoot needs to hang i meant to say
# May 17th 2018, 09:15 unclezoot morning, if i want to do pagination filtering with a ->matching() clause, what's the preferred way to hide that logic in the table? typically matching needs to have off a $query, should I pass that through to the table (somehow) or do I need to write my own Query class?
# May 17th 2018, 09:13 dsrathaur.11 how to add taster.js for flash messages for notification ?
# May 17th 2018, 09:10 birdy247 Morning
# May 17th 2018, 09:06 dsrathaur.11 yes
# May 17th 2018, 09:03 dsrathaur.11 Is it right way ? $postable = TableRegistry::get('users'); $query = $postable->find('all', array( 'conditions' => array( 'status' => 1,'parent_id'=>$authid), 'order' => 'name ASC'))->contain(['Zones','States','Districts']);
# May 17th 2018, 08:59 neon1024 Do encrypt it though
# May 17th 2018, 08:53 tim If they share the same session bucket, the safest way would probably be to save the session id somewhere and then set it once they enter the other site. Allowing it to be set through a GET or POST opens you up for security breaches as it allows them to change it to any value they want
# May 17th 2018, 08:43 neon1024 Hey everyone
# May 17th 2018, 08:32 david I have 3 different cake installations in the same server. Can I share the session between them in any way? I need to log in in one of the cakes and share the login with the other two cakes
# May 17th 2018, 08:30 david Morning :slightly_smiling_face:
# May 17th 2018, 08:13 saeideng so you can change table name honestly
# May 17th 2018, 08:13 saeideng cake uses alias
# May 17th 2018, 08:12 saeideng `$this->table('tablename');`
# May 17th 2018, 08:12 saeideng for changing table name
# May 17th 2018, 08:11 tim Unless you're writing custom queries, your controller shouldn't have the table name. That's something that you set in the Table/Entity file
# May 17th 2018, 08:10 saeideng your mean was table not column