Log message #4141636

# At Username Text
# May 17th 2018, 06:54 slackebot I can see you worked on this recently. The trouble is that I am getting an extra field in the returned output from this (as shown in the Xdebug output above).
# May 17th 2018, 06:54 voycey File uploaded https://cakesf.slack.com/files/U1F0J3623/FAQL1UDDW/image.png / https://slack-files.com/T053DPNCM-FAQL1UDDW-4dc13c5fbc - <@U052SU6MN> Hey Jose - I am trying to create a Redshift database driver off the back of the Postgres driver (as they are very similar), however I am running into a problem on this part: <https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/blame/master/src/Database/FieldTypeConverter.php#L107>
# May 17th 2018, 06:24 mohitprakashsharma555 why i am getting this error
# May 17th 2018, 06:24 mohitprakashsharma555 When i trying save data using new Entity https://prnt.sc/jixbac
# May 17th 2018, 05:26 dsrathaur.11 Is it right way ? $postable = TableRegistry::get('users'); $query = $postable->find('all', array( 'conditions' => array( 'status' => 1,'parent_id'=>$authid), 'order' => 'name ASC'))->contain(['Zones','States','Districts']);
# May 17th 2018, 01:14 voycey Im trying to write a Redshift datasource using the Postgres one as a template / starter and im getting some weirdness that im not sure how
# May 17th 2018, 01:14 voycey Anyone around who is legendary with Datasources?
# May 17th 2018, 00:04 rightscoreanalysis thanks
# May 17th 2018, 00:03 ricksaccous @rightscoreanalysis http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php
# May 17th 2018, 00:02 rightscoreanalysis I got it: $podcast->created->format('M')
# May 16th 2018, 23:56 rightscoreanalysis the book leaves it to guess work
# May 16th 2018, 23:55 rightscoreanalysis $podcast->created->i18nFormat(' ? ')
# May 16th 2018, 23:55 rightscoreanalysis if i have a datetime from my db and I want to display the full month in my view, how is this done
# May 16th 2018, 23:49 rightscoreanalysis the chapter on date and times makes no mention of the format(s) available
# May 16th 2018, 23:45 rightscoreanalysis or where can I find this in the book?
# May 16th 2018, 23:45 rightscoreanalysis if i want to display the full month, what do I use: $podcast->created->i18nFormat('M')
# May 16th 2018, 21:18 itamer Hi, cakephp2, I have a controller that uses 3 models. All of a sudden it isn't loading those models. Possibly a server upgrade, all other functionality on the big site is working normally. Any ideas?
# May 16th 2018, 20:48 itmpls $this->loadComponent('Auth', ['authenticate' => ['Custom' => [ 'refreshCallback' => [$this, 'refreshCallback'] . ] ] ] ); how come in refreshCallback, $this->getRequest()->getData() is blank when in chrome, the request payload is token: a093930a039a and the method type is POST?
# May 16th 2018, 19:33 pekka_slack @jeremyharris Awesome! Thanks!
# May 16th 2018, 19:32 jeremyharris Henrik: https://api.cakephp.org/3.5/class-Cake.Validation.Validation.html#_email
# May 16th 2018, 19:29 pekka_slack Is there a way to validate e-mail without having a field for it in an entity? In other words, I just want to check if the e-mail looks alright, and then act accordingly and not save it. I know PHP has its validator for this but wanted to check if CakePHP has something like that built-in?
# May 16th 2018, 19:14 nk-sonu Thanks @phantomwatson..
# May 16th 2018, 19:13 nk-sonu @phantomwatson English is just a language, Language only used to express your words to another person. I agreed it was my typo mistake. But when you able to understand the words and situation then language ends
# May 16th 2018, 19:07 nk-sonu Ok. I checked on GitHub now..
# May 16th 2018, 19:06 admad Yes, the plan is to have 4.0 out before/by end of the year.
# May 16th 2018, 19:06 nk-sonu https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/wiki/4.0-Roadmap
# May 16th 2018, 19:05 nk-sonu Ah. sorry. I was just confirming.
# May 16th 2018, 19:05 phantomwatson Maybe that's how they punctuate rhetorical questions. :)
# May 16th 2018, 19:05 admad So not sure whether you are asking me or telling me.
# May 16th 2018, 19:04 admad nk-sonu: having a period as well as question mark at end of a statement doesn't make much sense in English.
# May 16th 2018, 19:01 phantomwatson I think people would dig that.
# May 16th 2018, 19:01 nk-sonu Admad hi. .I got news from a blog that CakePHP 4 will release in this year.
# May 16th 2018, 19:01 admad @phantomwatson I'll look into this later and if there isn't a simpler way will add an option to the behaviour to prevent deletion of nodes with children
# May 16th 2018, 19:00 phantomwatson Cool. Thanks for confirming that for me.
# May 16th 2018, 18:59 admad So overriding table's delete would be easiest option for now
# May 16th 2018, 18:58 admad Hmm right, while the transaction is still running it's not possible to check if a node has children since the behaviour has deleted them
# May 16th 2018, 18:58 phantomwatson It prints out the content of the view block named "script".
# May 16th 2018, 18:58 rightscoreanalysis the book's explanation isn't clear to me
# May 16th 2018, 18:58 rightscoreanalysis can anyone tell me what this does: <?= $this->fetch('script') ?>
# May 16th 2018, 18:53 phantomwatson I'm not sure if I'm looking at it wrong, or if the behavior isn't behaving (heh) as intended, or what. Thought it was worth bringing up in here and getting the support channel's insight.
# May 16th 2018, 18:53 saeideng :+1: