Log message #4101749

# At Username Text
# Dec 7th 2017, 10:56 joopm thank youuu ['class' => 'button success']
# Dec 7th 2017, 10:55 saeideng I'm not sure span can receive btn class or no
# Dec 7th 2017, 10:54 dereuromark thats why people use span here then
# Dec 7th 2017, 10:54 dereuromark but it is still invalid to have block elements inside inline ones according to specs afaik
# Dec 7th 2017, 10:54 saeideng this works for me
# Dec 7th 2017, 10:53 dereuromark I would rather go with the recommended style approach I mentioned above.
# Dec 7th 2017, 10:53 dereuromark is div even allowed inside a? i dont think so
# Dec 7th 2017, 10:53 saeideng ``` <?= $this->Html->link('<div class="btn btn-warning">back</div>', ['action'=>'index'],['escape'=>false]); ?> ``` my code
# Dec 7th 2017, 10:51 saeideng just dont use `<button ... >` for links
# Dec 7th 2017, 10:50 dereuromark actually class "btn" I think.. or with foundation: e.g. echo $this->Html->link('Preview', ['action' => 'preview'], ['class' => 'button success']);
# Dec 7th 2017, 10:48 dereuromark if you use bootstrap it is rather easy. Html->link() with class=>'button'
# Dec 7th 2017, 10:47 joopm can i do that just in cake?or shoul i style the link?
# Dec 7th 2017, 10:47 joopm so basicly what just link has but has button style
# Dec 7th 2017, 10:47 joopm but without submit
# Dec 7th 2017, 10:46 joopm i need a button with link(controller and action)
# Dec 7th 2017, 10:46 joopm i have a little issue
# Dec 7th 2017, 10:46 joopm have a great day to all community members
# Dec 7th 2017, 10:46 joopm hello there
# Dec 7th 2017, 10:41 skor ok solved it :grinning: nvm
# Dec 7th 2017, 10:38 kryptonita @dereuromark thanks
# Dec 7th 2017, 10:38 skor do i have to wrap it into another expression?
# Dec 7th 2017, 10:37 skor im doing this: $jsearch = new FunctionExpression(‘JSON_SEARCH’, [‘PropertyValues.value’ => ‘literal’, ‘all’, $value]); and add $jsearch to an where OR, but i dont know how to add the is not null part
# Dec 7th 2017, 10:36 skor has anyone done a query like this? … `where JSON_SEARCH(value, 'all', 123321) is not null` 123321 is user input so i would like to avoid raw expressions
# Dec 7th 2017, 10:33 dereuromark see my response in your ticket
# Dec 7th 2017, 10:32 dereuromark oh, actually it is not: https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/blob/master/src/Error/ExceptionRenderer.php#L88
# Dec 7th 2017, 10:31 dereuromark This should be fixed in latest dev-master afaik
# Dec 7th 2017, 10:31 dereuromark I think the error handler is hardcoded on typehint of php5, remove the typehint
# Dec 7th 2017, 10:30 dereuromark in your ticket you need to be a bit more specific, how does the error occur? whats the strack trace etc?
# Dec 7th 2017, 10:27 kryptonita the order is correct. I dont know why irc changed the order
# Dec 7th 2017, 10:26 dereuromark the order?
# Dec 7th 2017, 10:24 kryptonita ```
# Dec 7th 2017, 10:24 kryptonita $category = $categories->findByName('Banda Desenhada');
# Dec 7th 2017, 10:24 kryptonita $categories = TableRegistry::get('Categories');
# Dec 7th 2017, 10:24 kryptonita ```
# Dec 7th 2017, 10:24 kryptonita Hello , whats wrong with this code:
# Dec 7th 2017, 09:55 skor i guess FunctionExpression, …
# Dec 7th 2017, 09:50 skor can i create it with find()->func() ?
# Dec 7th 2017, 09:47 skor from the docs i can see `A number of commonly used functions can be created with the func() method` so i guess my JSON_SEARCH isnt common,
# Dec 7th 2017, 09:43 skor FunctionExpression ? queryexpression ?
# Dec 7th 2017, 09:43 skor i keep forgetting, how do i write a custom function? i need to do this in the db: ‘JSON_SEARCH(PropertyValues.value, “all”, “’ . $value . ‘“) is not’ => null,
# Dec 7th 2017, 09:42 ono-t good morning