Log message #4044534

# At Username Text
# Jun 27th 2017, 08:48 rudy1976s My target intent is to have something like a dataprovider
# Jun 27th 2017, 08:48 dereuromark I 2nd that
# Jun 27th 2017, 08:48 neon1024 I guess you could make a table, which stores the table, column and label fields and look the stuff up
# Jun 27th 2017, 08:47 neon1024 When I did this, I ended up just writing configuration for it
# Jun 27th 2017, 08:47 neon1024 What’s wrong with the column name?
# Jun 27th 2017, 08:46 rudy1976s @neon a column, I need a label because I need to generate the code for gri/list view prgramatically and with translations in mind
# Jun 27th 2017, 08:45 neon1024 My first thought about putting presentation logic into the database is that it’s dirty
# Jun 27th 2017, 08:45 dakota sounds like a job for CrudView :)
# Jun 27th 2017, 08:45 neon1024 When you say a field of a table, do you mean a column or a specific row cell?
# Jun 27th 2017, 08:43 slackebot views, perhaps with a helper. have you some idea to achieve such result ?
# Jun 27th 2017, 08:43 rudy1976s I have a question that I have already asked some time ago relating to table: I would need to be able to assign a "label" to every field of a table: actually cake does not provide a native method to do such thing, like for example Yii2 does ( iI am working on both so I can check against each other features ) . This would be useful to create a class for generating listViews and gridViews automatically , without the need to write the full mark
# Jun 27th 2017, 08:27 Antoniossss sleep well
# Jun 27th 2017, 08:27 Antoniossss thank you very much!
# Jun 27th 2017, 08:27 savant night
# Jun 27th 2017, 08:27 savant okay going to bed!
# Jun 27th 2017, 08:27 savant I think, at least thats what I’m doing in the plugins site
# Jun 27th 2017, 08:27 Antoniossss End of story
# Jun 27th 2017, 08:27 savant Antoniossss: Configure::write(‘App.fullBaseUrl’, ‘https://example.com')
# Jun 27th 2017, 08:26 Antoniossss as it is resolving to localhost right now
# Jun 27th 2017, 08:26 Antoniossss I am sending a templated email after user creation. That is done from CLI. Template uses URL helper to generate activation link. How to set base url for Router in CLI app?
# Jun 27th 2017, 08:25 savant night all!
# Jun 27th 2017, 08:25 Antoniossss Hey there
# Jun 27th 2017, 08:22 sebollson hey there
# Jun 27th 2017, 08:14 adriencs fine, thanks alot
# Jun 27th 2017, 08:14 savant whichever you prefer
# Jun 27th 2017, 08:13 savant but meh
# Jun 27th 2017, 08:13 savant i mean its not lazy
# Jun 27th 2017, 08:13 savant yeah
# Jun 27th 2017, 08:13 adriencs ok, so chaining table is just for lazy*ss who don't what to `$this->loadModel('Jobs')` ? :)
# Jun 27th 2017, 08:12 savant has nothing to do with Users other than that you got a references to the `Jobs` table class via Table object chaining
# Jun 27th 2017, 08:12 savant thats basically what it generates
# Jun 27th 2017, 08:12 savant `select * jobs where herp = 'derp'`
# Jun 27th 2017, 08:11 savant `$this->Users->Jobs->find()->where(['herp' => 'derp'])->all()`
# Jun 27th 2017, 08:11 adriencs so I can target any `Jobs` not matter the `job_id` of my `Users` ?
# Jun 27th 2017, 08:10 savant its just a way for you to get a reference to the other table
# Jun 27th 2017, 08:10 savant you’re not actually querying for anything by doing just Table chaining
# Jun 27th 2017, 08:10 savant thats just tables being related to each other
# Jun 27th 2017, 08:10 savant no
# Jun 27th 2017, 08:09 adriencs what's behind this ? it's a kind of autoquery/join ?
# Jun 27th 2017, 08:09 savant yes
# Jun 27th 2017, 08:09 adriencs `$this->Users->Jobs->...` still exist in 3.X ?