Log message #4033653

# At Username Text
# May 29th 2017, 23:54 hiromi2424 *date/datetime
# May 29th 2017, 23:54 hiromi2424 `setJsonEncodeFormat()` is part of DateFormatTrait
# May 29th 2017, 23:53 hiromi2424 By default JsonView automatically render data as json such convert data/datetime object to formatted string with cake Cake\I18n\DateFormatTrait
# May 29th 2017, 23:51 royalty if you are using js to display it you can either just modify it with php beforehand or try using moment.js or something
# May 29th 2017, 23:50 royalty so you aren't using php to display data?
# May 29th 2017, 23:50 hiromi2424 @keremcankaya I have experience with changing json date/datetime format: ``` \Cake\I18n\Date::setJsonEncodeFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZZ"); \Cake\I18n\FrozenDate::setJsonEncodeFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZZ"); \Cake\I18n\Time::setJsonEncodeFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZZ"); \Cake\I18n\FrozenTime::setJsonEncodeFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZZ"); ``` in `config/bootstrap.php`
# May 29th 2017, 23:43 keremcankaya Should i create a view and use the helper or just modify the result set?
# May 29th 2017, 23:43 keremcankaya I’m actually returning a json response from controller
# May 29th 2017, 23:39 dereuromark Use the TimeHelper
# May 29th 2017, 23:35 keremcankaya Is mapping the best way? Feels like there should be an option or an nicer way to format created
# May 29th 2017, 23:35 keremcankaya Finally I’ve started cake3 however I’m having hard time with returning created in a formatted way
# May 29th 2017, 23:04 royalty nevermind i got it
# May 29th 2017, 22:48 royalty how do i pass a value to a validation rule?
# May 29th 2017, 22:48 royalty hello
# May 29th 2017, 21:26 savant what action is failing when you redirect?
# May 29th 2017, 21:25 lucaskpo123 I did not do this login
# May 29th 2017, 21:25 lucaskpo123 I clarify that it is an old code
# May 29th 2017, 21:20 savant can you gist your controller?
# May 29th 2017, 21:20 lucaskpo123 yes,Did not work
# May 29th 2017, 21:19 savant lucaskpo123 did you try what lorenzo said to try?
# May 29th 2017, 21:18 lucaskpo123 can anybody help me
# May 29th 2017, 21:17 lucaskpo123 Hellw
# May 29th 2017, 21:01 lucaskpo123 alguno habla español para que me brinde sus conocimiento
# May 29th 2017, 21:01 lucaskpo123 Buenas señores
# May 29th 2017, 20:23 lucaskpo123 I have cakephp 1.2 and when doing a redirection the session is deleted
# May 29th 2017, 20:22 lorenzo @lucaskpo123 try calling session_write_close() before redirecting
# May 29th 2017, 20:22 lucaskpo123 Good, I need help with a serious theme of session by database
# May 29th 2017, 20:21 lucaskpo123 hello
# May 29th 2017, 20:21 chris-andre I was too busy with the model :P
# May 29th 2017, 20:21 lucaskpo123 I have problems with database session in cakephp 1.2 [5:19] When I do a redirect the session is deleted
# May 29th 2017, 20:20 lorenzo np :slightly_smiling_face:
# May 29th 2017, 20:20 chris-andre Typo. Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:
# May 29th 2017, 20:19 chris-andre Ah.
# May 29th 2017, 20:19 lorenzo it should be `$this->request->session()->id()`
# May 29th 2017, 20:19 lorenzo the problem is here `$this->request->sessions()->id()`
# May 29th 2017, 20:19 lorenzo ah ok, then it has nothing to do with using the model
# May 29th 2017, 20:18 chris-andre > Method sessions does not exist
# May 29th 2017, 20:17 lorenzo @chris-andre and what’s the error you’re getting?
# May 29th 2017, 20:11 chris-andre Last try was with TableRegistry, as you can see.
# May 29th 2017, 20:10 chris-andre @lorenzo Yes. Here is my controller action: https://gist.github.com/chris-andre/b22b1592702e5d3cc8081a3a74c7372c
# May 29th 2017, 19:36 lorenzo are you sure you are executing that in the context of a controller?