Log message #4033115

# At Username Text
# May 26th 2017, 21:19 GMSteuart thanks jeremy
# May 26th 2017, 21:14 rudy1976s Hello in a form is there a way to know the required field of the model attached to that form ? I need to create a way to bind jeury clienti validation to every form without having to modify every form
# May 26th 2017, 21:11 jeremyharris so you can either do $this->Form->input(‘check’, [‘type’ => ‘checkbox’, ‘labelOptions’ => [‘for’ => ‘test’]]) everywhere, or use templateVars (an additional array) or overwrite FormHelper::label / control or the widget
# May 26th 2017, 21:10 jeremyharris so like $this->Form->input(‘check’, [‘type’ => ‘checkbox’, ‘labelOptions’ => [‘templateVars’ => [‘for’ => ‘test’]]])
# May 26th 2017, 21:09 jeremyharris I think that template var needs to be passed to your label options still
# May 26th 2017, 20:59 GMSteuart 'nestingLabel' => '<label class="mdl-checkbox mdl-js-checkbox mdl-js-ripple-effect" for="{{for}}">{{input}}<span class="mdl-checkbox__label">{{text}}</span></label>'
# May 26th 2017, 20:59 GMSteuart unless theres something i am missing when accessing properties inside the string template, my current template is the following: 'checkbox' => '<input class="mdl-checkbox__input" type="checkbox" name="{{name}}" id="{{name}}" {{attrs}}/>',
# May 26th 2017, 20:58 GMSteuart thanks. thats probably what I will look into doing. the goal was to get MDLs checkboxes implemented.
# May 26th 2017, 20:55 jeremyharris the widget could basically convert the existing `for` which is created by FormHelper::label
# May 26th 2017, 20:55 jeremyharris if you want to *always* overwrite it, perhaps extending the LabelWidget or the FormHelper::control would be a better option
# May 26th 2017, 20:54 GMSteuart $this->Form->control('is_archived', ['type' => 'checkbox']);
# May 26th 2017, 20:54 GMSteuart i could just have:
# May 26th 2017, 20:54 GMSteuart <?= $this->Form->control('is_archived', ['type' => 'checkbox', 'templateVars' => ['for' => 'is_archived']]); ?>
# May 26th 2017, 20:54 GMSteuart so i can work around it by using the templateVars option, my goal was to be as lazy as possible. so instead of having:
# May 26th 2017, 20:50 GMSteuart @jeremyharris testing
# May 26th 2017, 20:47 jeremyharris GMSteuart have you tried passing your for into labelOptions when creating the input
# May 26th 2017, 20:40 GMSteuart I am having trouble finding a solution to configuring the 'for' attribute in a html template of mine. I need to be able to set the attribute to the underscore version of the name rather than the hyphenated version. (e.g. instead of for="foo-bar" have for="foo_bar")
# May 26th 2017, 20:32 jeremyharris np
# May 26th 2017, 20:32 HenriqueMachado thanks
# May 26th 2017, 20:32 HenriqueMachado i'll read abou link.. i unknow
# May 26th 2017, 20:32 jeremyharris https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/orm/saving-data.html#saving-belongstomany-associations
# May 26th 2017, 20:31 jeremyharris I think you’ll be better off using link() though
# May 26th 2017, 20:31 jeremyharris the second and third param of save() are wrong but that looks closer to what you want
# May 26th 2017, 20:30 HenriqueMachado hehehe
# May 26th 2017, 20:30 HenriqueMachado should be like this? https://pastebin.com/7MyDDKi2
# May 26th 2017, 20:30 jeremyharris I’d suggest going through the new ORM documentation to learn a bit about it, much has changed for the better. You jumped into something pretty complex right off the bat :)
# May 26th 2017, 20:29 HenriqueMachado i see.. i think its working now.. i need to see how to save it now
# May 26th 2017, 20:25 jeremyharris which should be an instance of your UsersTable because you told the association to use that
# May 26th 2017, 20:25 jeremyharris k that’s fine. when you define the association, the first param is the “alias” so to speak, so you access it via $this->Users->Follower
# May 26th 2017, 20:23 HenriqueMachado i have users table and users_followers table, but i dont have a followers table
# May 26th 2017, 20:22 jeremyharris you have a UsersFollowers table? your associations don’t use that table class (though they indeed use the users_followers table itself)
# May 26th 2017, 20:21 HenriqueMachado i've only UserTable and UsersFollowersTable
# May 26th 2017, 20:21 jeremyharris based on your associations, maybe you’re looking for Users->Follower->newEntity
# May 26th 2017, 20:20 cleptric Should be `Users` I guess
# May 26th 2017, 20:19 HenriqueMachado I'm confused with cake3, cake1 was so easy :P
# May 26th 2017, 20:19 HenriqueMachado What i'm doing wrong here? https://pastebin.com/Wg9mh4MH i'M getting: Error: Call to a member function newEntity() on null
# May 26th 2017, 20:06 igreat Please is there anyway I can build the url in a plugin template to link to the webroot of the plugin
# May 26th 2017, 19:59 jeremyharris np
# May 26th 2017, 19:58 HenriqueMachado worked, thanks
# May 26th 2017, 19:57 HenriqueMachado wow
# May 26th 2017, 19:57 jeremyharris capital T