Log message #4032674

# At Username Text
# May 26th 2017, 09:32 Neon1024 More deps for rendering, but makes the code neater imo
# May 26th 2017, 09:32 Neon1024 https://github.com/davidyell/Cricketeer/blob/develop/webroot/mustache/batting.mustache
# May 26th 2017, 09:31 Neon1024 Exactly as I did in this project, https://github.com/davidyell/Cricketeer
# May 26th 2017, 09:31 Neon1024 So when I add a new hasMany association, I can render the template with JS to rename the fields correctly without having to put markup into my JS
# May 26th 2017, 09:30 Neon1024 So that I can render the template with both PHP and Javascript
# May 26th 2017, 09:30 Neon1024 I might refactor into something like Mustache templates
# May 26th 2017, 09:30 Neon1024 As on my edit for hasMany, I need to be able to render the same form multiple times
# May 26th 2017, 09:30 Neon1024 I’ve gone with elements
# May 26th 2017, 09:24 steinkel @neon1024 Can I render another template inside a template? > Yes you can use template extension
# May 26th 2017, 09:08 kareylo Element is for part of static html
# May 26th 2017, 09:06 kareylo @neon1024 @birdy247 You can use Element or Cell
# May 26th 2017, 08:43 Neon1024 Guess I’ll smash it out and see how I feel about it later
# May 26th 2017, 08:43 Neon1024 Ah well, I can’t refactor what I haven’t written
# May 26th 2017, 08:40 Neon1024 I don’t want to duplicate the code either
# May 26th 2017, 08:40 Neon1024 Just feels a bit messy and inelegant
# May 26th 2017, 08:40 Neon1024 So I can wrap the whole thing in a form
# May 26th 2017, 08:40 Neon1024 So I might need to make elements for just the form fields
# May 26th 2017, 08:40 Neon1024 But I don’t need a whole form
# May 26th 2017, 08:40 Neon1024 As I need to be able to add associations on the same form
# May 26th 2017, 08:40 birdy247 Yes
# May 26th 2017, 08:40 Neon1024 Elements are the way to go
# May 26th 2017, 08:39 birdy247 was no 1 answered lol
# May 26th 2017, 08:39 birdy247 The general answer that came back
# May 26th 2017, 08:39 Neon1024 Not in the mood for work :(
# May 26th 2017, 08:39 Neon1024 I could do with a day off today
# May 26th 2017, 08:39 Neon1024 NOWAIRLY
# May 26th 2017, 08:39 birdy247 I asked this exact question on Wed
# May 26th 2017, 08:39 Neon1024 hides
# May 26th 2017, 08:39 Neon1024 :o
# May 26th 2017, 08:39 birdy247 Neon1024
# May 26th 2017, 08:35 Neon1024 #rubberduck
# May 26th 2017, 08:35 Neon1024 Guess using an element is probably best thinking about it, as I’ll need to render lots of things in various places
# May 26th 2017, 08:35 Neon1024 Can I render another template inside a template? Or do I have to convert it to an element?
# May 26th 2017, 08:25 chris-andre Only way I have been able to bypass that is by using `post`
# May 26th 2017, 08:24 chris-andre I get 403 Forbidden
# May 26th 2017, 08:24 chris-andre Yup
# May 26th 2017, 08:24 kareylo Wow O_o
# May 26th 2017, 08:24 chris-andre Nothing inside the if is returned. Condition fails
# May 26th 2017, 08:23 kareylo you don't have any error on save ?
# May 26th 2017, 08:22 chris-andre `if ($this->request->is(['patch', 'post', 'put'])) {`
# May 26th 2017, 08:22 kareylo `$this->request->allow(['POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH'])` or something similar ?