Log message #3341552

# At Username Text
# Aug 4th 2014, 02:37 Hippo close enough? :p
# Aug 4th 2014, 02:36 angelxmoreno oh, ok
# Aug 4th 2014, 02:36 markstory my bad
# Aug 4th 2014, 02:36 markstory *can't
# Aug 4th 2014, 02:35 angelxmoreno reason*
# Aug 4th 2014, 02:35 angelxmoreno omg, wtf for? lol. i'd love to see a good resaon to do that
# Aug 4th 2014, 02:34 markstory and you can go in/out of loops/conditionals
# Aug 4th 2014, 02:33 angelxmoreno aw man, goto label can not be vars!
# Aug 4th 2014, 02:32 LckyBy517 put a goto in somewhere that just directs it all around a file and does nothing but make it process a bunch haha
# Aug 4th 2014, 02:31 angelxmoreno markstory: it is not for merging, it is for trolling
# Aug 4th 2014, 02:31 markstory Iâ??ve never used it personally
# Aug 4th 2014, 02:31 markstory unless there is a good reason to use goto
# Aug 4th 2014, 02:31 LckyBy517 burnnnnn
# Aug 4th 2014, 02:31 markstory I wonâ??t merge them :)
# Aug 4th 2014, 02:31 angelxmoreno ACTION looks at markstory with a diabolical smile
# Aug 4th 2014, 02:31 LckyBy517 haha
# Aug 4th 2014, 02:30 angelxmoreno ROFL, get ready cakephp core devs! all my PRs from now on will abuse GOTO!
# Aug 4th 2014, 02:29 angelxmoreno http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/goto.png
# Aug 4th 2014, 02:28 markstory its a limited label goto
# Aug 4th 2014, 02:28 angelxmoreno OMFG, AYFS, we can use goto in PHP? #qBasic
# Aug 4th 2014, 02:26 angelxmoreno Hippo: i got it last year :-P http://sampsonblog.com/473/ie10-gotcha-optgroup-indexes-and-the-required-attribute
# Aug 4th 2014, 02:24 Hippo i didn't get the memo
# Aug 4th 2014, 02:23 Hippo FML Anyone else knew about this IE10 Select list optgroup required attribute bug?
# Aug 4th 2014, 02:22 angelxmoreno markstory: cool
# Aug 4th 2014, 02:21 markstory Thatâ??s what I read.
# Aug 4th 2014, 02:20 markstory They go over the most important parts.
# Aug 4th 2014, 02:20 markstory angelxmoreno: have you read the php.net docs?
# Aug 4th 2014, 02:20 LckyBy517 thats where ir an into a problem yesterday
# Aug 4th 2014, 02:20 LckyBy517 but its in another controller than the entries controller hehe
# Aug 4th 2014, 02:20 LckyBy517 just need to paginate my entries, limit to 5 per page and order them descending based on created date
# Aug 4th 2014, 02:19 Hippo ill gist it for you, what do you need?
# Aug 4th 2014, 02:19 LckyBy517 ugh now to figure out pagination again haha :(
# Aug 4th 2014, 02:18 Hippo angelxmoreno, it takes time and hard work :)
# Aug 4th 2014, 02:18 angelxmoreno i kid markstory
# Aug 4th 2014, 02:17 LckyBy517 Hippo: what you told me to do hehe
# Aug 4th 2014, 02:17 angelxmoreno cuz we aint all geniues like jose_zap, savant and markstory :-P
# Aug 4th 2014, 02:16 Hippo angelxmoreno: good idea ^^
# Aug 4th 2014, 02:15 angelxmoreno http://techportal.inviqa.com/2009/06/30/migrating-to-php-5-3/ seems good too. i think i will document these and later put them in the cook book for all to review
# Aug 4th 2014, 02:14 Hippo LckyBy517: what worked?
# Aug 4th 2014, 02:14 angelxmoreno Hippo: damn, found http://php.net/manual/en/migration53.php
# Aug 4th 2014, 02:12 LckyBy517 one thing that i'm not sure on period is like in my entries table i have author field which is just the ID from the users table of who wrote the article, no idea how to link them so i can show the authors username rather than id without making separate query or is that how its done?