Log message #2299197

# At Username Text
# Sep 22nd 2011, 04:29 Section58 on the artists controller, they wanna have a paginated list filtered by genre and country.. with the additional infomation about 'Artist next playing in at Event/Venue' in the results
# Sep 22nd 2011, 04:27 Section58 and my mind was blank
# Sep 22nd 2011, 04:26 Section58 i just tryed to think of it now
# Sep 22nd 2011, 04:26 Section58 more than one, cause it would use values from the first
# Sep 22nd 2011, 04:26 Section58 unknown
# Sep 22nd 2011, 04:25 NetersLandreau how many manual queries do you need to run manually to get it done?
# Sep 22nd 2011, 04:24 Section58 but aprrently thats a normal containable feature
# Sep 22nd 2011, 04:24 Section58 but the working version i have with contain isn't optimized enough (it can make up too 25 duplicate querys)
# Sep 22nd 2011, 04:23 Section58 the merging eith ehr orginal filtering is confusing
# Sep 22nd 2011, 04:23 Section58 i sahould probably work on that
# Sep 22nd 2011, 04:23 Section58 not in one line no
# Sep 22nd 2011, 04:23 NetersLandreau Section58: do you have the raw sql you need?
# Sep 22nd 2011, 04:22 Section58 if you know how to put the labeling in right
# Sep 22nd 2011, 04:22 Section58 ddoom: a foreach also might work
# Sep 22nd 2011, 04:21 ddoom Seguer: Doesn't sound like what I want
# Sep 22nd 2011, 04:21 Section58 that doesn't break contains
# Sep 22nd 2011, 04:21 Section58 is there a joins contains solution yet
# Sep 22nd 2011, 04:21 Section58 ok so you know how contain breaks on complex querys
# Sep 22nd 2011, 04:20 Seguer ddoom: try 'multiple' =>
# Sep 22nd 2011, 04:20 NetersLandreau i don't like the profiles
# Sep 22nd 2011, 04:20 ddoom If I want to have a group of radio buttons, can I output each one manually using form helper? instead of all at once?
# Sep 22nd 2011, 04:19 Section58 that was about it
# Sep 22nd 2011, 04:19 Section58 i installed the users plugin once
# Sep 22nd 2011, 04:16 friskd brb. Gonna restart.
# Sep 22nd 2011, 04:16 friskd changing table innodb to mysql latin swedish to utf 8
# Sep 22nd 2011, 04:15 friskd NetersLandreau: except its broken for table modifcations
# Sep 22nd 2011, 04:14 NetersLandreau i am a huge fan.. cakedc migrations is always the second plugin i install, right after debug_kit and just before cakedc's users plugin
# Sep 22nd 2011, 04:14 Seguer <
# Sep 22nd 2011, 04:14 Seguer but it didnt work with ichikaway's mongodb datasource :(
# Sep 22nd 2011, 04:13 Seguer i saw this a while back
# Sep 22nd 2011, 04:13 Seguer i remember now
# Sep 22nd 2011, 04:13 Seguer OOOOHHHHHHH
# Sep 22nd 2011, 04:12 Seguer 3
# Sep 22nd 2011, 04:12 Seguer yeah i googled it and am reading now
# Sep 22nd 2011, 04:12 NetersLandreau it is a great plugin!
# Sep 22nd 2011, 04:12 NetersLandreau Seguer: use cakedc's
# Sep 22nd 2011, 04:12 friskd http://cakedc.com/pierre_martin/2010/02/05/cakephp-migrations-plugin-easily-version-and-deploy-whole-applications
# Sep 22nd 2011, 04:12 Seguer i was looking for one yesterday
# Sep 22nd 2011, 04:12 cpgo looks like its moved to $this->Paginator->settings
# Sep 22nd 2011, 04:11 Seguer i dont know
# Sep 22nd 2011, 04:11 friskd is there another one?