Log message #106685

# At Username Text
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:27 TommyO altos: but now 1.2 supports JS in vendors/js, so that works too and the tutorials should be updated
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:27 Noise98 Raphael: i'm sorry I got to go right now, i'll be back in an hour
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:27 zmonteca ADmad:cool. thanks.
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:27 Noise98 Raphael: u don't have much in your hasAndBelongsToMany
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:26 TommyO a browser should not be able to get to vendors
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:26 ADmad zmonteca: yes... beforeFilter is executed before every action... so thats the only logical location
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:26 Raphael Noise98, thx for your help
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:26 TommyO altos: fckEditor needs to be in public space because it is js. vendors is for third-party php stuff that should stay out of the public space
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:25 zmonteca ADmad: thanks. is that the only place it'll work?
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:25 altos or "supposed" to be used for
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:25 ADmad zmonteca: in beforeFilter
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:25 altos what is the vendors folder even used for?
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:25 altos hey guys, quick question... why do instructions for integrating fckeditor tell people to use app/webroot/ instead of vendors?
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:24 Raphael http://bin.cakephp.org/view/191374837
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:24 zmonteca quick question, i think. If you want to use $this->Auth->allow('method_name');...where does one put this? In the method you want to allow? In the view you want to allow? In the model?
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:22 Noise98 paste your Post Model
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:22 Raphael so, both must be unique
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:22 Raphael tag_id and post_id are primary keys
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:21 Noise98 Raphael: in your HABTM relationship, u have a unique field ?
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:18 zlinux thanks all
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:18 zlinux ok
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:18 Seb___ zlinux : look for Translate behavior
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:18 polerin var $fixtures = array('plugin.plugin_name.tehfixture'); isn't loading the file
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:17 zlinux polerin, i've already searched for i18n
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:17 ADmad zlinux: google would be the best source for your general questions and here's the doc http://book.cakephp.org
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:17 polerin what's the appropriate path string for a plugin's fixture when the plugin has a underscore?
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:17 polerin )
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:17 polerin search for 'il8n cakephp' and you'll get more info than i can give you
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:16 zlinux polerin, and where is it documented?
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:16 zlinux polerin, what about the database?
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:16 polerin __() is the translating function
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:16 polerin zlinux: yes
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:15 zlinux does cake support multi-language websites?
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:14 zlinux hi
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:13 Raphael http://bin.cakephp.org/view/1375267196
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:13 Raphael Noise98,
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:10 Noise98 Raphael paste your new code please on http://bin.cakephp.org/add/Raphael
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:05 Raphael thestaff
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:05 Raphael prototypejs.org
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:04 Raphael another js lib
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:04 thestaff prototype ?