Log message #3923149

# At Username Text
# Aug 25th 2016, 22:24 nemmons Not a big deal either way, i was just sort of curious, since so much of CakePHP *is* configurable
# Aug 25th 2016, 22:23 nemmons right, @admad, thanks, i know it's not configurable, i was asking if anyone has any thoughts on why it's not configurable
# Aug 25th 2016, 22:00 cpierce http://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/controllers/request-response.html
# Aug 25th 2016, 22:00 cpierce n/m found it
# Aug 25th 2016, 21:50 cpierce in 2
# Aug 25th 2016, 21:50 cpierce they used to be called media views
# Aug 25th 2016, 21:48 cpierce is there a sendfile for cakephp 3
# Aug 25th 2016, 21:07 admad that special key `_joinTable` is not configurable
# Aug 25th 2016, 21:06 admad oh wait, you asked about `$_junctionProperty`
# Aug 25th 2016, 21:04 admad * junction()
# Aug 25th 2016, 21:04 admad or just `joinTable` in options
# Aug 25th 2016, 21:03 admad @nemmons you can using juntion() method
# Aug 25th 2016, 20:54 nemmons Good afternoon. Does anyone have any thoughts on why \Cake\ORM\Association\BelongsToMany.php->_options() doesn't allow for the user to set $_junctionProperty by passing in an option for it? Any reason that we shouldn't be able to edit $_junctionProperty? (https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/blob/master/src/ORM/Association/BelongsToMany.php#L1359)
# Aug 25th 2016, 20:43 saliak my belongsToMany Products through OrderLines ?
# Aug 25th 2016, 20:42 saliak i thought the association would do that automatically?
# Aug 25th 2016, 20:41 saliak ah, shit. that did it.
# Aug 25th 2016, 20:41 btx also check your OrderLines table and make sure `product_id` actual exists
# Aug 25th 2016, 20:41 btx you should be doign something like `$this->Orders->get($id, [â??containâ??=> â??Orders.OrderLines.Productsâ??])`
# Aug 25th 2016, 20:39 saliak that error goes away if I remove Products from the contains in the Porducts->get() in my view action
# Aug 25th 2016, 20:39 btx oh I meant your php code
# Aug 25th 2016, 20:38 saliak https://gist.github.com/anonymous/2f9f1e652241c5adaf65d9d54ccf9b84
# Aug 25th 2016, 20:36 btx so what does your Query look like
# Aug 25th 2016, 20:36 saliak yes
# Aug 25th 2016, 20:35 btx Products*
# Aug 25th 2016, 20:35 btx and OrderLines belongsTo Product?
# Aug 25th 2016, 20:35 saliak yes, it does
# Aug 25th 2016, 20:34 saliak hold on
# Aug 25th 2016, 20:34 saliak oh
# Aug 25th 2016, 20:34 saliak yes
# Aug 25th 2016, 20:34 btx @saliak **
# Aug 25th 2016, 20:33 btx salik, does Orders haveMany OrderLines?
# Aug 25th 2016, 20:25 saliak OrderLines. any thoughts as to whatâ??s going on? the reason for the â??non-cake-standardâ?? names are because of some legacy action going on.
# Aug 25th 2016, 20:25 saliak Iâ??ve got a HABTM relationship between two tables, through a join table (https://gist.github.com/anonymous/7a2387f18bfa16680505ca5b8244bd39). For some reason itâ??s working one direction (products->orders), but not the other way (canâ??t get a list of products associated with an order). I get the error that â?? Unknown column 'OrderLines.product_id' in 'field listâ??â?, suggesting that cake isnâ??t using the foreign/binding key names in my definition in
# Aug 25th 2016, 20:12 hytromo Yes it is :slightly_smiling_face:
# Aug 25th 2016, 20:12 shealyw2 it should be hakermania
# Aug 25th 2016, 20:12 hakermania test: is an irc msg visible in slack
# Aug 25th 2016, 18:49 philipgrey any thoughts?
# Aug 25th 2016, 18:43 graziel nope, it gives path where data will be sent by browser so no function calling
# Aug 25th 2016, 18:39 marquesf @graziel i can call my add function in url right? :)
# Aug 25th 2016, 18:33 graziel @marquesf you can pass 'url' to Form->create ie $this->Form->create($contact, ['url' => ['controller' => 'Home', 'action' => 'contact']])
# Aug 25th 2016, 18:31 marquesf im feeling im close to do my contatc form with cells, but i dont understand how to submit my form. https://gist.github.com/anonymous/ddc7e7a0c4e95b7483520df6cdfe2e25