Log message #3913127

# At Username Text
# Jul 25th 2016, 21:11 sat and addresses hasOne users
# Jul 25th 2016, 21:11 sat users hasOne addresses
# Jul 25th 2016, 21:10 sat i have hasOne relation
# Jul 25th 2016, 21:09 cakebake hi
# Jul 25th 2016, 21:09 sat hi
# Jul 25th 2016, 20:56 cakebake ???
# Jul 25th 2016, 20:56 cakebake for a specific theme
# Jul 25th 2016, 20:56 cakebake I'm very lazy to build each crud manually
# Jul 25th 2016, 20:56 cakebake Hello Everyone, I'm trying to bake a custom theme, what would be the best approach?
# Jul 25th 2016, 20:17 cavallari And how could I call this?
# Jul 25th 2016, 20:17 cavallari Hi... is it possible to use a Table in another directory?? Like in App\Model\Table\Cars\BrandsTable.php for example??
# Jul 25th 2016, 18:53 ra7bi name convention is very important , as i read in doc. you can check out this link http://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/orm.html#quick-example
# Jul 25th 2016, 18:52 ra7bi cakephp use ORM
# Jul 25th 2016, 18:50 ra7bi does your conventions names is correct ?
# Jul 25th 2016, 18:45 comeAndHelpMeObi but when I try to load the association using "contain", it doesnt works
# Jul 25th 2016, 18:44 comeAndHelpMeObi and through
# Jul 25th 2016, 18:44 comeAndHelpMeObi using belongsToMany
# Jul 25th 2016, 18:43 comeAndHelpMeObi I'm following the cake book to create a many-to-many association
# Jul 25th 2016, 18:43 comeAndHelpMeObi Good evening
# Jul 25th 2016, 18:41 antograssiot I usually hack the js on the form submit
# Jul 25th 2016, 18:41 mikatone ( kinda sad I supposed that this could be configurable
# Jul 25th 2016, 18:41 mikatone antograssiot so suppose that must hack ->request->data
# Jul 25th 2016, 18:40 mikatone antograssiot I found that if i reverse the date picker to dd-mm-yyyy and add the rule 'dmy' I got no errors but can't save form data I bealive that is because mysql date is expecting yyyy-mm-dd
# Jul 25th 2016, 18:38 mikatone lol
# Jul 25th 2016, 18:38 antograssiot molar one these messages weren't for you :P
# Jul 25th 2016, 18:35 mikatone antograssiot dind't got it sorry
# Jul 25th 2016, 18:33 antograssiot plus some features that can be found in release notes or migration guide in the jook
# Jul 25th 2016, 18:32 antograssiot you won't have immutable date and datetime
# Jul 25th 2016, 18:28 djdnl13 slackebot2: If I keep using cakePHP 3.1 with PHP 5.5.6, will it be any difference between it and other cakePHP3.3>? Or it just the Date and Time libraries ?
# Jul 25th 2016, 18:26 ra7bi ?
# Jul 25th 2016, 18:24 antograssiot and that normal as it the the maximum version that your PHP version could support
# Jul 25th 2016, 18:23 djdnl13 slackebot2: I see. composer downloaded cakePHP 3.1
# Jul 25th 2016, 18:21 ra7bi anyone know how i can make first ROW bold in PHPExcel i tried ``` $this->PhpExcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle('1:1')->getFont()->setBold(true); ``` but not working
# Jul 25th 2016, 18:21 antograssiot or what is the installed cakephp version ?
# Jul 25th 2016, 18:20 antograssiot djdnl13 what's your PHP cli version ?
# Jul 25th 2016, 18:20 mikatone it doesn't but if i reverse the yyyy-MM-dd it works
# Jul 25th 2016, 18:19 mikatone not
# Jul 25th 2016, 18:19 antograssiot does it work if you remove your validation rule ? his there a formatSubmit option or similar in your picker
# Jul 25th 2016, 18:19 mikatone this is all I have in configurations...
# Jul 25th 2016, 18:19 mikatone antograssiot https://gist.github.com/fccpt/2ea1d1c78536aacee7829f62584eece7
# Jul 25th 2016, 18:18 mikatone antograssiot date arrives at controller as a string not as an array as if used an input date type